Naturally Addressing Cancer

When we are working with someone with cancer, it is a Whole Lifestyle Change, diet, personal care, diffusing & inner emotional work.

It is not just simply taking a few oils and applying them topically or taking a few internally. 
As you know, we are not Doctor's and cannot prescribe or diagnose. But, we can make recommendations that will assist the systems in the body to start working together again & to hopefully re-teach the body to work at optimal level's and rid the body of "Dis-ease".

This information is not to be shared or emailed to anyone else other than the intended.
The following is valuable information we have on Using Young Living Essential Oils and Nutrition in dealing Cancer. However you choose to utilize.

Please review this information below as there are numerous options in working with cancer.

After you have been able to listen/watch all the information below, please let us know.  We can set up a conference call with you to move forward. 
The first recording is Cherie Ross sharing her own personal experience. There are others sharing their experiences as well each of these people are Cancer free to date.

Unfortunately, a Cancer Regiment Is Not Just Rubbing a Few Oils on...

It is a very intensive protocol to follow depending on the desire and commitment.

We do want everyone to understand it does include a diet change (please note this must include No Microwaved Anything and More...  See below link.

There is a list of foods to avoid during this time. (See Below)
You must replace all products with toxic free replacements, including shampoos and household cleaners. We will help with this, as many purchased in health food stores still contain hidden toxic chemicals.

1. Please listen to prerecorded conference call titled "Using Nutrition and Essential Oils in Dealing With Cancer". The link is supplied below.

(click on link to play or copy & paste into the internet address bar)

2. Read chapter 2 of "Healing Oils of the Bible" by Dr David Stewart, which goes into the science of how Young Living Essential Oils digest cancer. We have this book available  for purchase from our office 763-545-7347.

3. Below is an audio training on Cherie's is website entitled "The Most Amazing Results of Clinical and University Research on Essential Oils and Cancer" 6 parts by Gary Young. The links are provided below:

(click on link to play or copy & paste into the internet address bar)

4.Here is a link for a video of Dr Suhail sharing the new information on Young Living Sacred Frankincense and Cancer. Dr. Mahmoud Suhail discusses Frankincense research with Cole Woolley, PhD of Young Living Essential Oils. Dr. Suhail along with a team of doctors and scientists from around the world are conducting medical research into Boswellia Sacra  from Oman, otherwise known as "Sacred Frankincense Essential Oil."

(click on link to play or copy & paste into the internet address bar)

5. Here is an outstanding Natural Medical Newsletter focusing on researched successful Cancer treatments.

Diet Changes....

Eat as Organic as Possible

None of the Following !!!!
Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Colors, Artificial Preservatives
Soda Pop
Propylene Glycol
Nothing Smoked
White Potatoes
White Rice
Meat or Fish (for now)
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Hydrogenated Oils
Nothing that Came From a Face

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Holistic (Whole Body) Treatment

Do you feel like your energy and mood are wiped out in the wintertime? Or just blah? Or maybe even worse into a depressed state in the winter? It could very well be Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Signs and symptoms of SAD may include:

·         Feeling depressed most of the day, nearly every day

·         Losing interest in activities you once enjoyed

·         Having low energy

·         Having problems with sleeping

·         Experiencing changes in your appetite or weight

·         Feeling sluggish or agitated

·         Having difficulty concentrating

·         Feeling hopeless, worthless or guilty

·         Oversleeping

·         Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates

·         Weight gain

·         Tiredness or low energy

Fortunately, there are many great holistic things you can do both proactively to keep your mood uplifted in the wintertime as well as things you can do when you’re in the depths of it. Here are some of them:

·         Listen to uplifting music often throughout the day (and avoid depressing music)

·         Be careful what you’re watching, reading, etc. in the news, social media, etc. Eliminate or minimize anything that is discouraging, that causes anxiety or sadness, etc.

·         Prioritize social time with others (in person)! When people feel these symptoms, they tend to withdraw more which is exactly the opposite of what will help them feel better. Get some coffee/tea dates, beneficial events to attend, community groups, etc. on your calendar!

·         Exercise! Research shows that many people can manage or avoid SAD with 30 to 60 minutes of exercise and 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight each day. In addition, data show exercisers have lower rates of recurrent depression compared with study participants who do not exercise

·         Take Vitamin D daily! There’s a strong link to Vitamin D deficiency and the timing of seasonal depression! Products from Young Living that contain Vitamin D include: Mindwise, OmegaGize, Master Formula, Super Cal Plus.

·         Avoid alcohol, refined sugar, and other addictive substances that can worsen depression.

·         Take/increase Super B! There is a strong link between deficiency of B vitamins and mood, depression, anxiety, etc. Take anywhere from 2 to 6 Super B daily as needed.

·         Use your Young Living oils often throughout the day!

In a 2013 article, researchers at Xiamen University, China, commented: “Most studies have indicated that various essential oils, such as lavender, lemon and bergamot can help to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders. Most notably, inhalation of essential oils can communicate signals to the olfactory system and stimulate the brain to exert neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin and dopamine) thereby further regulating mood.”

In addition to bergamot and lemon, other oils to use include:

o   Black Pepper

o   Jasmine

o   Grapefruit

o   Rosemary

o   Clary Sage

o   Rose

o   Joy

o   Hope

o   Brain Power

Gallbladder Cleansing & Support

Many people live the rest of their lives without this crucial organ that is needed to digest fats, process bile for digestion, and much more. Let’s support and cleanse it proactively to prevent that!

The gallbladder is closely associated with the liver, and cleansing the liver also works to cleanse the gallbladder. Sometimes, more things are required for a gallbladder that needs extra support.

Here are some things that is recommended to do proactively on a regular basis for supporting the gallbladder:

  • Take digestive enzymes (such as Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Detoxyzyme, Allerzyme, Mightyzymes) on a daily basis as directed. Some may need a few of these taken multiple times daily. Find which ones work best for you and increase dose as needed!

  • Take Ledum and/or Juva Flex internally periodically. Ledum helps to drain the gallbladder and JuvaFlex helps thin bile as well as drain the gallbladder.

  • Modify diet as needed. Bad fats (such as corn, canola, soybean, hydrogenated fats, etc.) should be avoided, as well as alcohol, gluten, and soda especially for those who are more prone to gallbladder issues.

For cleansing:

Did you know that we have an oil called GLF? It stands for Gallbladder & Liver Flush, but Gary Young also called it "Go Live Forever" oil when he created it!

GLF Vitality:

✔️ Stimulates liver cleansing ✔️ Supports bile function ✔️ Stimulates fat digestion, improves metabolism and fat loss ✔️ Helps regenerate liver cells ✔️ Dissolves gallstones ✔️ Binds and chelates heavy metals

One Diamond leader says this about GLF: "When I'm really struggling, I use GLF over my liver and in capsules.... for maintaining or prevention I use juvaflex daily. How I can tell I need GLF is when I'm sluggish and "backed up💩💩" and a thumping feeling in the liver area not painful but a heart beat like..."

This oil can be used as an intense flush protocol (please cleanse bowels with ComforTone first!!) or as a lighter protocol to help boost liver and gallbladder function regularly.

To use GLF for a quick flush protocol, fill a capsule with GLF every 4 hours until the bottle is gone.

***SAFETY FIRST*** Always colon cleanse before doing a detox. If you want stuff out, you would want to give it a clear pathway. The cleansing trio is a great protocol for that. Increase your water intake whenever doing any type of detox or cleanse.

The Andreas Moritz gallbladder flush:

This one that uses apple juice and Epsom salts is popular but controversial. Dr.’s Deardruff in the book Inner Transformations generally recommends against it for various reasons, including the potential to force out large stones that could get stuck as well as some side effects of the Epsom salts that could occur. There are some precautions in their book as well as the full protocol that can be found on pages 109-110 and Appendix D. (You can order the book here: )

But because GLF helps dissolve/break down the stones, it’s much safer!

You can find the full liver cleanse protocol and more in the Inner Transformations book as well as your EODR.

Lifestyle Overhaul Program

Our very own customized Lifestyle Overhaul Program for Oily Friends only! 

This program is a complete overhaul to detox the body, the home, and the mind in a progression designed by health practitioners to facilitate proper cleansing. 

It is intended to be used by Oily Friends members for themselves if desired as well as to share the options Young Living offers with non-members.

To learn more about why we created this program, watch this:

To share, feel free to use these graphics:

Oily Friends members may use this to offer non-Young Living members a fresh start with our team's group resources and support. The files in our Facebook group and in this private portal will have the full protocols needed for a few of the months.

(These resources are meant for Oily Friends and non-members to become Oily Friends members only. Please do not share it with current Young Living members in other organizations.)

For Oily Friends members who are sharing this program, as discussed in the video, please be sure to provide your new members who join and do this program with support and encouragement along the way. 

A little gift and educational resource given/mailed to them each month would be ideal!

Some suggestions for helping them (click on each for a link with more info):

Month 1:

Simply Sharing book

Welcome booklet

Fearless: Confidence with Essential Oils in 2 Hours (or buy in bulk for less here)

150 Uses: Fast and Fabulous

Essential Oil Quick Reference

Say Hello Experience Kit

Essential Oil Carrying Case or like this

Month 2

NingXia Red book

Stainless steel YL branded water bottle with a note to stay hydrated!

Month 3


Thieves Cleaner Label (add to glass spray bottle)--Makes a great little gift for their new Thieves Cleaner!

Month 4

Master Formula product info sheet

Pill Organizer

Month 5

Get Savvy! booklet

How about gifting them a personalized makeup case like this:

Or an inexpensive set of brushes until they're ready to get the Savvy brushes? 

Month 6

Feelings Kit printout

AromaGlide fitments for putting on the emotional oils for easy use/application!

Optimize Your Mind, Master Your Emotions Module

Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils

Month 7

Offer a congratulations for doing an incredible job giving their lifestyle a complete overhaul!

If you are sharing this program with non-members, please feel free to use the following downloadable chart to keep track of your members that join and start on this program.

Pregnancy/Labor and EO's Research Links

Pregnancy/Labor Research on Essential Oils


Copaiba safety amount studied for pregnancy:


Ylang Ylang aroma to lower blood pressure and heart rate:

Copaiba before surgery reduces chances of sepsis

Peppermint for pregnancy itching

Chamomile and clary sage for childbirth-reduces pain and anxiety

Essential oils’ effect on room bacteria

Aromatherapy improves workplace performance

Cedarwood inhalation for postoperative pain

Lavender for stress, anxiety when used immediately postpartum

Local anaesthetic and antispasmodic activity of the essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia.


Healing advantages of lavender essential oil during episiotomy recovery: a clinical trial.

This study suggests application of lavender essential oil instead of povidone-iodine for episiotomy wound care.


The effect of aromatherapy with lavender essence on severity of labor pain and duration of labor in primiparous women.

The effect of lemon inhalation aromatherapy on nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: a double-blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trial.

Episiotomy pain relief: Use of Lavender oil essence in primiparous Iranian women.


According to these findings, use of Lavender oil essence can be effective in reducing perineal discomfort following episiotomy. It is suggested that Lavender oil essence may be preferably to the use of Betadine for episiotomy wound care.


Geranium for anxiety during first-stage of labor


Aroma of essential oil of geraniums can effectively reduce anxiety during labor and can be recommended as a non-invasive anti-anxiety aid during childbirth.


For a downloadable PDF of these research links to share privately, click here.


Please click here for more on a Holistic Pregnancy including nutritional recommendations, supplements, etc.

Sleep: The low down on a good night's sleep & melatonin


Most of us already know that the hormone melatonin plays a huge role in a good night's rest.

What most people don't know is that difficulty sleeping can be due to poor gut health.


Yes! Our pineal gland produces melatonin, but our gut contains (or should contain) 400 times more melatonin!

Melatonin exerts its physiological effects through specific membrane receptors in the gut. Melatonin levels in the ileum and the colon are dependent on food intake and digestion.

The action goes both ways; a healthy gut can produce melatonin and melatonin supports a healthy gut. Because of this, supplementation is being considered as a possible treatment for IBS.

(REF: )

Healing and supporting a healthy gut by avoiding things like antibiotics, refined sugars, gluten, chlorinated water, GMO's; and taking probiotics and digestive enzymes are important steps to achieve better sleep.

Avoiding lights/screens at bedtime is an important way to encourage production of melatonin by the pineal gland.

The pineal gland in the brain is responsible for synthesizing and secreting melatonin. The pineal gland is part of the endocrine system so it plays a role in fertility and reproduction as well.


Sesquiterpenes are this awesome constituent in some plant oils that help increase the amount of oxygen in the limbic system of the brain, particularly around the pineal and pituitary glands (the seat of our emotions).

All that sciencey stuff to say that inhaling aromas of pure essential oils high in sesquiterpenes are a fabulous way to target the pineal and pituitary parts of your brain for a better quality of sleep and life!



Sesquiterpenes are the principal constituents of Cedarwood (98%), Vetiver (97%), Spikenard, (93%), Sandalwood (Aloes) 90%, Black Pepper (74%), Patchouli (71%), Myrrh (62%), and Ginger (59%). They are also found in Galbanum, Onycha, and Frankincense (8%).

Young Living’s unique Hong Kuai is said to contain the highest bioactive sesquiterpene content of ANY oils!

Diffuse these oils and apply to the brain stem for and a better night’s sleep!


Magnesium is also crucial to helping promote a good night’s sleep. Magnesium deficiency is incredibly common and worsened by things like refined sugars, caffeine, stress, and lack of sleep.

But the wrong kind of magnesium won’t do squat to help with sleep or anything else (except maybe softening the bowels!). Even the best form of isolated magnesium, magnesium glycinate, can offset other minerals in the body and prevent sleep from improving.

Young Living’s Mineral Essence is the best way to get bioavailable magnesium along with other essential minerals! Take as directed daily and experience not only better sleep but better health in so many ways!

Melatonin Supplements

There is a lot of controversy over melatonin supplementation. Like all things, this is not something with a one-size-fits-all solution. There are many adults as well as children who benefit immensely from some melatonin supplementation while the above factors are being addressed. Melatonin supplementation can help jumpstart gut health in a beneficial way to encourage the gut to be healthy enough to produce more.

Young Living’s Sleep Essence and ImmuPro supplements have done exactly that for many people, especially children on the spectrum. The recommended dosage for a 50-lb child is half of an ImmuPro or Sleep Essence capsule, but every body is different.

A short protocol or occasional supplementation with melatonin is just as safe as other supplements when needed and like all supplements, every body will respond differently.