Prescription antibiotics should almost never be used for ear infections. While they may give the appearance of eliminating the problem, antibiotics will cause the infection to come back stronger and stronger, requiring stronger antibiotics to treat them and worsening the gastrointestinal damage to the patient. It is very common for children to have repeated ear infections after being given antibiotics for the first one due to this damage and evolving bacteria.
In addition to chronic ear infections, this gastrointestinal damage often causes food/environmental allergies, weakened immune system, chronic respiratory problems, and more.
To prevent/treat ear infections, do the following:
First, eliminate the cause. Common causes of ear infections include:
Vaccines (it’s listed as a side effect on the packet inserts)
Pasteurized dairy
Refined sugar
Secondhand smoke
2. Use natural options:
In a Roller Ball (Old 5 ml bottle)
Combine the following:
5 Drops of Lavender
5 Drops of Purification
5 Drops of Lemon
3 Drops of Pan Away
3 Drops of Thieves
Fill the rest with Olive Oil
Roll in Front of, Behind and Under the Ear to relieve pain. DO NOT PUT OILS IN YOUR EAR. Repeat this every 2 hours for the first 24-48 hours or until symptoms diminish greatly.
Colloidal silver, breastmilk, and/or mullein garlic oil drops can be used directly in the ear if desired.
You can also use clove or Melrose on a cotton ball and placed in the ear.
High-dose Vitamin C therapy (dosage chart: )
For older children/adults, Inner Defense capsules taken twice daily as well.
3. Regular chiropractic care and an adjustment at the first sign of ear infection