Sleep: The low down on a good night's sleep & melatonin


Most of us already know that the hormone melatonin plays a huge role in a good night's rest.

What most people don't know is that difficulty sleeping can be due to poor gut health.


Yes! Our pineal gland produces melatonin, but our gut contains (or should contain) 400 times more melatonin!

Melatonin exerts its physiological effects through specific membrane receptors in the gut. Melatonin levels in the ileum and the colon are dependent on food intake and digestion.

The action goes both ways; a healthy gut can produce melatonin and melatonin supports a healthy gut. Because of this, supplementation is being considered as a possible treatment for IBS.

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Healing and supporting a healthy gut by avoiding things like antibiotics, refined sugars, gluten, chlorinated water, GMO's; and taking probiotics and digestive enzymes are important steps to achieve better sleep.

Avoiding lights/screens at bedtime is an important way to encourage production of melatonin by the pineal gland.

The pineal gland in the brain is responsible for synthesizing and secreting melatonin. The pineal gland is part of the endocrine system so it plays a role in fertility and reproduction as well.


Sesquiterpenes are this awesome constituent in some plant oils that help increase the amount of oxygen in the limbic system of the brain, particularly around the pineal and pituitary glands (the seat of our emotions).

All that sciencey stuff to say that inhaling aromas of pure essential oils high in sesquiterpenes are a fabulous way to target the pineal and pituitary parts of your brain for a better quality of sleep and life!



Sesquiterpenes are the principal constituents of Cedarwood (98%), Vetiver (97%), Spikenard, (93%), Sandalwood (Aloes) 90%, Black Pepper (74%), Patchouli (71%), Myrrh (62%), and Ginger (59%). They are also found in Galbanum, Onycha, and Frankincense (8%).

Young Living’s unique Hong Kuai is said to contain the highest bioactive sesquiterpene content of ANY oils!

Diffuse these oils and apply to the brain stem for and a better night’s sleep!


Magnesium is also crucial to helping promote a good night’s sleep. Magnesium deficiency is incredibly common and worsened by things like refined sugars, caffeine, stress, and lack of sleep.

But the wrong kind of magnesium won’t do squat to help with sleep or anything else (except maybe softening the bowels!). Even the best form of isolated magnesium, magnesium glycinate, can offset other minerals in the body and prevent sleep from improving.

Young Living’s Mineral Essence is the best way to get bioavailable magnesium along with other essential minerals! Take as directed daily and experience not only better sleep but better health in so many ways!

Melatonin Supplements

There is a lot of controversy over melatonin supplementation. Like all things, this is not something with a one-size-fits-all solution. There are many adults as well as children who benefit immensely from some melatonin supplementation while the above factors are being addressed. Melatonin supplementation can help jumpstart gut health in a beneficial way to encourage the gut to be healthy enough to produce more.

Young Living’s Sleep Essence and ImmuPro supplements have done exactly that for many people, especially children on the spectrum. The recommended dosage for a 50-lb child is half of an ImmuPro or Sleep Essence capsule, but every body is different.

A short protocol or occasional supplementation with melatonin is just as safe as other supplements when needed and like all supplements, every body will respond differently.