How to handle migraines naturally:
Get to the root.
- At least 80% of chronic migraines are caused by magnesium deficiency. Mineral Essence taken sufficiently and daily completely eliminated my migraines. It is the most bioavailable source of magnesium along with around 60 other trace minerals. Each person’s need for magnesium will vary as it depends on the depth of their deficiency and current lifestyle as consumption of refined sugar and coffee as well as stress quickly deplete magnesium. Keep increasing dosage of Mineral Essence (and Magnesium Glycinate if more magnesium is needed or Mineral Essence can't be taken) until migraines are eliminated.
- Other causes of migraines include imbalanced hormones (for which magnesium will still help greatly), consumption of neurotoxins (MSG-monosodium glutamate, and aspartame), and an overloaded liver. For an overloaded liver, implement any of the Juva products into your daily supplement regimen.
At the onset of a migraine as soon as the aura starts (or sooner), place a drop of either peppermint, frankincense, or M-Grain on your thumb and hold on the roof of your mouth for thirty seconds. Take an extra dose of magnesium (Mineral Essence or magnesium glycinate) and about 5 drops of copaiba held under the tongue for 5-10 seconds and then swallowed down with some liquid (or placed in a capsule for those with sensitive gastrointestinal areas). Continue with the copaiba internally every couple hours and any of the following topically on the back of the neck/head:
- Peppermint
- PanAway
- M-Grain
- AromaSiez
- Deep Relief