There's a lot of info out there about candida. But some of it can be confusing or can worsen health in the long run. Let's break it down into a candida detox protocol that is easy, healthy, and effective.
“Yeast overgrowth, aka candidasis, is exactly what the term says: It is the opportunistic and sometimes explosive growth of a microorganism as a result of a fertile terrain for its reproduction or the immune system’s inability to keep it at bay, or both.
Yeast overgrowth is typically the result of antibiotics or a lifestyle or diet that feeds yeast.
Essential oils treatments do little to change such lifestyles overnight, but they are very effective in eliminating the overgrowth of yeast and its annoying symtpoms.”
First, let's talk about Nystatin and why we want to avoid it!
According to Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride in Gut and Psychology Syndrome,
“These drugs lead to selective stimulation of growth of the Proteus family and lactose-negative E.coli series, capable of causing serious disease. ”
Nystatin carries the same risks as common prescription antibiotics. We have natural options!
Here's the protocol I've found to be very effective with my clients over the years.
Full Protocol
This protocol should be followed for approximately 10 days. Dosages are for adults. Adjust as needed.
YL's Inner Defense (1-2 capsules 2x/day)
YL's MultiGreens (2 capsules 2x/day)
HFFG's Chlorella Detox (Start with 1 capsule for first 3 days and if tolerated well, increase to 2 capsules/day for remainder of protocol and ongoing for preventative maintenance.) (Another chlorella can be used but enzymes would need to be added in as well as the enzymes in HFFG's chlorella help break through the candida biofilm.)
Life 9 Probiotic (1 capsule/day)
ComforTone or ICP (ICP for children and breastfeeding moms) to have on hand if needing help clearing bowels to efficiently eliminate candida die-off
While many practitioners recommend elimination of all carbs for eliminating candida, there is new research showing that this may cause the candida to burrow deeper into the body in search of food. Using the supplements above, I have seen success with a diet that eliminates all sources of refined sugars (cane sugar, beet sugar, evaporated cane juice, organic sugar, raw sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, etc.) as well as flours (including gluten-free flours). White potatoes should be avoided but sweet potatoes/yams are okay as well as up to two servings of fruit per day.
Research links:
Oils in Inner Defense shown to be effective against candida including candida that is resistant to fluconazole:
Essential oils work better than clotrimazole: