(This post will be continuously updated as new research links are found.)
EO's on microflora
Copaiba safety during pregnancy
For hair growth
EO's for Asthma
Study: Lavender Essential Oil has Anti-inflammatory Effect on Asthma -
Miscellaneous other oils used in a variety of ways for helping combat asthma: http://royallyoily.com/fighting-allergy-induced-asthma-with-young-living-essential-oils/
Kurt Schnaubelt, PhD., Founder of Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy and author ocnef numerous essential oil books, recommends essential oil suppositories for asthma. He states that this method allows the oils to go straight to the lungs, bypassing the liver and all other body systems, making it work much more quickly than taking it internally or aromatically. Here's a video on how to make an EO suppository: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e92qUH2YHsc
I will also add that asthma signifies what's commonly referred to as "leaky gut" or gut dysbiosis, usually a result of things that damage the intestinal wall in the gut and create an autoimmune reaction such as antibiotics and vaccines. Exposure to secondhand smoke is another possible contributing factor. Avoiding these things and maintaining proper gut health is key to long-term asthma prevention and management.
Warts (Human Papilloma Virus)
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) to treat hand warts:
Tea tree oil (TTO) (Melaleuca alternifolia) has been used recently as an effective topical application for the treatment of skin infections due to a variety of aetiological microbial agents, including mainly bacterial infections. We detail the first report in the peer-reviewed literature of the successful treatment with TTO of a paediatric patient with warts on her right middle finger. TTO was applied topically once daily to the lesions for 12 days, with a successful outcome, including complete re-epithelization of the infected areas. The case highlights the potential use of TTO in the treatment of common warts due to human papilloma virus.
Candidasis (Fungal overgrowth)
Lemongrass Essential Oil
These results provide experimental evidence suggesting the potential value of lemongrass oil for the treatment of oral or vaginal candidiasis.
Note: Young Living's MultiGreens capsules contain lemongrass essential oil, as well as choline, a vitamin that has been shown to prevent candida from becoming infectious. It also contains greens and other nutrients that are beneficial for addressing candidasis.
Food Poisoning (Samonella, E. Coli, Listeria)
Oregano, allspice and garlic essential oils (EOs) can be effective, natural barriers against E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria. A new study revealed that oregano oil was found to be the most effective antimicrobial, followed by allspice and garlic.
Testing was done by laying the films on top of the bacteria and also by exposing the bacteria to the vapors arising from the film. According to researchers:
Oregano oil consistently inhibited the growth of all three bacteria.
These findings suggest that oregano oil and carvacrol have the potential to mitigate the adverse health effects caused by virulence gene expression in EHEC O157:H7 [enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli], through the use of these substances as natural antibacterial additives in foods or as an alternative to antibiotics.
FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2015 Jan;362(1):1-7. doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnu021. Epub 2014 Dec 4.
Study finds that oregano oil applied to lettuce innoculated with listeria, salmonella, and E. coli reduced presence of those bacterium.
Food Microbiol. 2015 May;47:69-73. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2014.11.007. Epub 2014 Nov 26.
Summary: Oregano essential oil seems to be the best essential oil option for most cases of food poisoning. Keep in mind that oil of oregano is much different than oregano essential oil and may not be as effective as it is very diluted. Young Living's Inner Defense capsules are the best thing to have on hand for cases of food poisoning; they contain oregano essential oil and other strong antibacterial oils safe for internal use.
Study tests various essential oils against acne bacteria that causes scarring; citronella essential oil proves to be the most effective of the oils tested:
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca)
We have performed a single-blind, randomised clinical trial on 124 patients to evaluate the efficacy and skin tolerance of 5% tea-tree oil gel in the treatment of mild to moderateacne when compared with 5% benzoyl peroxide lotion. The results of this study showed that both 5% tea-tree oil and 5% benzoyl peroxide had a significant effect in ameliorating the patients' acne by reducing the number of inflamed and non-inflamed lesions (open and closed comedones), although the onset of action in the case of tea-tree oil was slower. Encouragingly, fewer side effects were experienced by patients treated with tea-tree oil.
Note: Young Living's Purification blend contains both citronella and melaleuca in addition to other essential oils so that would be a good choice to use and get the benefits of both of these!
High blood pressure
Ylang Ylang aroma found to lower blood pressure and heart rate:
Fatty Liver
Clove essential oil:
Clove essential oil "produced significant improvement in fatty liver and dyslipidemia with protection from cardiovascular diseases and other complications of fatty liver."
(Also note that consuming foods/drinks with high-fructose corn syrup is a leading cause of fatty liver disease.)
Herpes Simplex Type 1 (cold sores) and Type 2 (genital herpes)
Peppermint Oil:
Peppermint oil exhibited high levels of virucidal activity against HSV-1 and HSV-2 in viral suspension tests. At noncytotoxic concentrations of the oil, plaque formation was significantly reduced by 82% and 92% for HSV-1 and HSV-2, respectively. Higher concentrations of peppermint oil reduced viral titers of both herpesviruses by more than 90%. A clearly time-dependent activity could be demonstrated, after 3 h of incubation of herpes simplex virus with peppermint oil an antiviral activity of about 99% could be demonstrated.
Considering the lipophilic nature of the oil which enables it to penetrate the skin, peppermint oil might be suitable for topical therapeutic use as virucidal agent in recurrent herpes infection.
Ginger, Thyme, Hyssop, and Sandalwood Oils:
Acyclovir-resistant clinical isolates of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) were analyzed in vitro for their susceptibilities to essential oils of ginger, thyme, hyssop, and sandalwood. All essential oils exhibited high levels of 1virucidal activity against acyclovir-sensitive strain KOS and acyclovir-resistant HSV-1 clinical isolates and reduced plaque formation significantly.
Head Lice
Tea Tree Oil (Melaluca Alternifolia)
In an attempt to assess the contribution of their component monoterpenoids, a range of common individual compounds were tested in in vitro toxicity model against both human lice (Pediculus humanus, an accepted model of head lice lethality) and their eggs, at different concentrations.
Terpinen-4-ol [melaleuca alternifolia--tea tree oil] was the most effective compound against adult lice...nerolidol [neroli, ginger, jasmine, lavender, tea tree, Cannabis sativa, and lemon grass] was particularly lethal to eggs, but ineffective against adult lice.
Best Yet' from Cedarcide is a great, fast, non-toxic option for head lice too.www.cedarcidestore.com
Gout / Uric Acid
Cinnamon essential oil:
Cinnamon essential oil reduces uric acid level by 84.48%. "Based on the results obtained in this study, cinnamaldehyde may be a potential lead compound for developing the pharmaceutic for anti-hyperuricemia agent."
(Note: Increased uric acid is almost always associated with intake of refined sugars, especially high-fructose corn syrup, in foods and drinks. Removing those in addition to utilizing essential oils is best.)
Giardia (intestinal parasite disease)
In the world, giardiosis is still a very important parasitic disease; only in Asia, Africa and America, there are more than 200 million of infected people in a year. The usual treatments are drugs that produce undesirable secondary effects, perhaps favouring the resistant strain selection. One alternative is to research compounds from plants used as antidiarrhoeic or antiparasitic in the traditional medicine. In a previous work, we found that Lippia beriandieri (Oregano) revealed to be more potent than tinidazole, a common antigiardiasic drug. In this current work, we tested the cell viability by re-culture and reduction of MTT-tetrazolium salts to MTT-formazan, and we showed the effect of oregano ethanolic extracts against Giardia intestinalis (synonyms: Giardia duodenalis, Giardia lamblia) trophozoites at concentrations ranging form 58 to 588 microg. We demonstrated the ultrastructural injury produced by oregano extracts in this parasite. Trophozoites lost their size and shape and showed damage in nucleus structure, perhaps by breaking the pattern of nucleoskeleton proteins.
(Probiotics and eliminating refined sugars are also essential components of combatting giardia.)
Strep Throat
Even in natural health circles, antibiotics are highly touted as the only remedy for strep throat. But many of us know that antibiotics pose a high risk to our health, including permanently damaging gut health (which is where at least 70% of our immune system resides) and contributing to MRSA.
Plus, antibiotics may not even be that helpful for strep throat. In a study from 2003, doctors tested the efficacy of prescription antibiotic treatment for strep throat. They found:
Penicillin treatment was not more beneficial than placebo in resolving symptoms of sore throat.
It goes on to state:
Penicillin V does not reduce the duration of symptoms. . . nor does it affect school attendance or recurrences of sore throat.
The risk of strep sequelae (complications arising from strep throat such as ear infections, sinusitis, and scarlet or rheumatic fever) is a concern among parents and the reason many choose to use antibiotics for this type of bacterial infection. Considering that studies show antibiotic treatment can cause dangerous bacteria to harbor in the gut for up to two years, its use for treatment of strep throat to prevent sequelae should be used with the following considerations:
1. According to the study, “Complications have become extremely rare in affluent Western communities”;
2. Also according to the study, “Once a sequela is diagnosed, sufficient time is left to start antibiotic treatment.”
This simply means that these complications are easily treated when they are diagnosed right away and are thus no longer dangerous as they once were. If antibiotic treatment is not chosen for strep throat, it can be used in the case of subsequent sequelae.
3. A child’s diet and lifestyle is an important consideration when determining whether or not to use prescription antibiotics for the treatment of strep throat. A child who is often around other children, especially in a daycare setting, and whose diet consists of processed foods and refined sugars may not have the immune system protection necessary to fight well against sequelae. But this does not mean that they must choose CHEMICAL antibiotics!
4. The use of natural antibiotics is highly recommended.
(Full study can be seen here: http://www.bmj.com/content/327/7427/1324.full)
But what about PANDAS?
No, not a cute cuddly bear! There is concern over something called PANDAS, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections.
The term is used to describe a subset of children who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and/or tic disorders such as Tourette Syndrome, and in whom symptoms worsen following strep infections such as “Strep throat” and Scarlet Fever.
The children usually have dramatic, “overnight” onset of symptoms, including motor or vocal tics, obsessions, and/or compulsions. In addition to these symptoms, children may also become moody, irritable or show concerns about separating from parents or loved ones. This abrupt onset is generally preceeded by a Strep throat infection.
It’s important to note that the mechanism behind this phenomenon is still not understood but one thing is clear: it is an autoimmune response to something pathogenic–bacteria or otherwise. That alone tells us that something else is wrong other than the strep bacteria itself.
In the case of autoimmune disorders, we know now (although conventional medicine is not as willing to accept this proven research) that a tendency towards autoimmune conditions are a result of things like vaccinations, antibiotics, and other chemical attacks on the body. It is likely that some children suffering from PANDAS (which by the way does not have any objective tests to confirm this diagnosis) had a strep throat infection that was in fact treated with antibiotics and that that very treatment could have triggered an autoimmune reaction from the strep bacteria.
In other cases, a child’s body that has already launched an autoimmune attack as a result of being inoculated with vaccinations is more prone to autoimmune disorders.
Besides, I am not necessarily advocating a Do-Nothing Approach, I am simply advocating a NATURAL approach to strep throat!! And my main recommendation for it is this:
Oregano Oil is a proven and powerful natural antibiotic. Oregano contains elenoic acid, a powerful antibiotic and antiviral compound.
At least two studies have shown that oregano oil—and, in particular, carvacrol, one of oregano’s chemical components—appear to reduce infection and growth of strep bacteria as effectively as traditional antibiotics. 1
In research done by Dr. Diane Horn, out of 73 essential oils tested, three were found to be highly inhibitory against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Those three were oregano, thyme, and rosewood. 2
And offering something even better than prescription antibiotics, oregano oil may also be an effective treatment against dangerous, and sometimes drug-resistant bacteria, a Georgetown researcher has found.3
Harry G. Preuss, MD, MACN, CNS, professor of physiology and biophysics, and his research team, tested oregano oil on staphylococcus bacteria—which is responsible for a variety of severe infections and is becoming increasingly resistant to many antibiotics. They combined oregano oil with the bacteria in a test tube, and compared oregano oil’s effects to those of standard antibiotics streptomycin, penicillin and vacnomycin.
The oregano oil at relatively low doses was found to inhibit the growth of staphylococcus bacteria in the test tubes as effectively as the standard antibiotics did, but of course without the permanent gut damage and MRSA risk!
1Braz J Med Biol Res. 2007 Mar;40(3):349-56. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17334532
2 Journal of Essential Oil Research, VOLUME 13, ISSUE 5,
2001. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10412905.2001.9712241#.UqdcadJDvX4
3 Georgetown University Medical Center (2001, October 11). Oregano Oil May Protect Against Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Georgetown Researcher Finds. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 10, 2013, from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/10/011011065609.htm
4 J Appl Microbiol. 2014 May;116(5):1149-63. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24779581
5.Lett Appl Microbiol. 2003;36(3):162-7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12581376
In this review, we discuss about the antitumoral activity of 13 essential oil components selected among the most studied in the literature, with a focus on their possible mode of action. We also report current data on the anticancer properties of several total essential oils.
Sacred Frankincense in breast cancer
Frankincense vs. Sandalwood on bladder cancer cells:
Frankincense: Could it be a cure for cancer? BBC article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8505251.stm
Frankincense oil derived from Boswellia carteri induces tumor cell specific cytotoxicity--Kills cancer cells!
Sandalwood oil treatment significantly decreased papilloma incidence by 67%, multiplicity by 96%, and TPA-induced ODC activity by 70%. This oil could be an effective chemopreventive agent against skin cancer.
Eugenol isolated from the essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata induces a reactive oxygen species-mediated apoptosis in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells. (Clove essential oil is high in eugenol.)
Various Other Essential Oils:
Study analyzes and finds: "The cytotoxicity of 10 essential oils on human prostate carcinoma cell (PC-3) was significantly stronger than on human lung carcinoma (A549) and human breast cancer (MCF-7) cell lines."
"The thyme essential oil exhibited the strongest cytotoxicity towards three human cancer cells."
Capsules with frankincense, clove, and other essential oils can be purchased in a single product called Longevity. more info here: http://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/wellness/antioxidant-support/longevity
Laurus Nobilis
The leaf essential oil of Laurus nobilis Linn., Lauraceae, which has been used as an antiepileptic remedy in Iranian traditional medicine, was evaluated for anticonvulsant activity against experimental seizures. The essential oil protected mice against tonic convulsions induced by maximal electroshock and especially by pentylenetetrazole. Components responsible for this effect may be methyleugenol, eugenol and pinene present in the essential oil.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Peppermint Essential Oil
After 2 weeks, 75% of those receiving peppermint oil had reduced severity of pain associated with IBS. Peppermint oil may be used as a therapeutic agent during the symptomatic phase of IBS. (J Pediatr 2001;138:125-8)
And another one:
Eight randomized, controlled trials were located. Collectively they indicate that peppermint oil could be efficacious for symptom relief in IBS. A metaanalysis of five placebo-controlled, double blind trials seems to support this notion.
H. Pylori
We analyzed the activities of 60 essential oils against H. pylori P1 and identified 30 oils that affected growth, with in vitro inhibition zones ranging between 0.7 and 6.3 cm in diameter. We further analyzed the effects of 16 oils with different activities on H. pylori P1 viability. Fifteen showed strong bactericidal activities...
several oils completely inhibited H. pylori 1172, a strain resistant to ampicillin and metronidazole, two drugs that are part of present anti-H. pylori therapies.
Lemongrass h. pylori
Norovirus (Stomach "flu"/stomach bug)
Oregano oil inactivates norovirus (stomach flu) within 1 hour.
Neck Pain
Cream made with combination of 4 essential oils improves neck pain in study participants.
Cinnamon Essential Oil:
Study finds cinnamon oil provides "dose-dependent, significant protection against renal damage" and decreases fasting blood glucose.
Reproductive Health
Cinnamon bark oil has protective effect against damages in male reproductive organs and cells.
Urinary Tract Infections
Oregano Essential Oil:
The bactericidal concentration of oregano EO irreversibly damaged E. coli O157:H7 cells within 1 min.
(Most UTI's are caused by E. coli bacteria.)
Citrus oils--specifically orange oil--tested against mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacterium that may be the cause of Crohn's disease):
Citrus essential oils were tested against a variety of Mycobacterium species and strains using the BACTEC radiometric growth system...CPT (orange oil) also inhibited the growth of BCG more than 99 %.
Cinnamon, clove, and oregano for Crohn's:
Antibacterial activities of naturally occurring compounds against Myobacterium paratuberculosis (Johne's/Crohn's)--cinnamon was most effective followed by oregano oil and then carvacrol (high in clove essential oil)
Lavender oil:
Lavender oil results in less severe disease of colitis, Crohn's and other inflammatory bowel disease. "Results reveal that lavender essential oil can protect against colitis."
Cinnamon essential oil:
The results of this study confirmed the antimicrobial activity of cinnamon EO and TC against clinical Staphylococcus spp. independent of the antibacterial susceptibility profile. The best antimicrobial activity was observed with TC than in the cinnamon EO, which deserves further research investigating the use of these compound in the treatment of mastitis.
Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil:
This study has scientifically validated the traditional use of Cinnamomum species in treating wound infections. Of high scientific interest was the observation that the antibacterial effect of Cinnamomum impressicostatum stem-bark crude water extract against MRSA
Other essential oils (singles and blends):
Ninety-one essential oils, each distilled from a single plant source, and 64 blended essential oils obtained from a commercial source were screened using the disc diffusion assay for inhibitory activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Of the 91 single essential oils, 78 exhibited zones of inhibition against MRSA, with lemongrass, lemon myrtle, mountain savory, cinnamon and melissa essential oils having the highest levels of inhibition. Of 64 blended essential oils, 52 exhibited inhibitory activity against MRSA, with R.C. (a combination of myrtle, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus australiana, Eucalyptus radiata, marjoram, pine, cypress, lavender, spruce, peppermint and Eucalyptus citriodora oils), Motivation (a combination of Roman chamomile, ylang ylang, spruce and lavender oils) and Longevity (a combination of frankincense, clove, orange and thyme oils) blended essential oils having the highest inhibitory activity.
Progessence Plus
When recommending natural products to increase a client’s progesterone levels, there is never a single product that will work for everyone. Some women need more supplementation and need it cycled, while others need just a tad of daily supplementation to help them along.
For those who need just a small amount of daily progesterone supplemented to help with PMS or other menstrual symptoms, hot flashes, insomnia, difficulty conceiving, or other things related to hormone imbalance, I often recommend Young Living’s Progessence Plus to those clients. I especially recommend it for teenagers suffering from symptoms of hormone imbalance.
Here are some of the things people have reported back to me about it:
I used Progessence Plus and raised my progesterone level from a 1 to 19 in 6mo. I also got pregnant 4 months into using it! I used Progessence Plus and raised my progesterone level from a 1 to 19 in 6mo. I also got pregnant 4 months into using it!
I gave my friend Progessence Plus and she was amazed at how quickly she got pregnant. I don’t remember the timeline, but I didn’t realize she & her husband had been trying and now they have a healthy 6 month old! She had been very regular & had been getting lots of ovarian cysts, but once she started using Progessence Plus, she didn’t have any cysts and she had a healthy pregnancy!
I use Progessence Plus. No more period cramps after using it consistently for 2 months. I also gave some to a lady suffering from hot flashes and not sleeping. Both of those resolved after a coupled days as well. Good stuff!
After two miscarriages, I decided to give this a try since our finances were limited, but we do invest in essential oils already. I bought a bottle, and the day I got it, I started using it.
Two days after that, I took a positive pregnancy test. Of course I was worried because of my previous miscarriages, but we told the Lord that no matter what happens, we would be grateful for each moment, and give Him the glory.I continued using this product every twelve hours over my upper ankle (that is the pressure point for the uterus). I am happy to say that I am currently 17 weeks pregnant, and we just found out on Thursday that we are having a little girl! Doctor says my progesterone levels as well as everything else look perfect!!! Which is amazing, because progesterone levels have always been an issuer for me.
After a miscarriage at 8 weeks, I found I was pregnant again and so this time I decided to use bio-identical progesterone. I first used a different brand (Beeyoutiful’s Beeyoutiful Balance) but when I tried to go off of it at 12 weeks as instructed, I spotted for the entire week. Afraid of miscarrying again, I then began to use Progessence plus from 12 weeks to 16 weeks and was able to safely come off of it. My rainbow baby is now 6 months!
Progessence Plus contains approximately 1 to 2 mg of USP progesterone per drop, so a good dosage is to use 1 or 2 drops twice daily. Unlike progesterone creams that contain 20-40 mg, Progessence Plus does not need to be cycled and is best when used daily. Keep in mind that it is most beneficial for those who stay consistent with using it daily.
For clients with more severe hormone imbalance, this amount may not be sufficient and they may need to transition to a higher dosage bio-identical progesterone cream. However, I find that Progessence Plus works nicely as an introductory dosage to those clients and that it is best to start out with the amount in Progessence Plus before supplementing with a higher dosage product, especially when hormone levels have not been tested to know exactly where they are. I have also had clients who used this product regularly and it substantially increased their progesterone levels!
Due to the profound benefits customers experience from Progessence Plus, it is quite frequently out of stock. I try to keep one bottle of it in my essential oils stock at all times, so you can message me to see if I have one available.
Keep in mind that it is also essential to detoxify the body of excess estrogen, since too much estrogen will keep progesterone from increasing as needed.
Myrrh is an amazing essential oil with roots that go back to Scripture. Here are some of the Biblical references to this oil as well as some of the researched benefits and uses for it:
Biblical References:
Genesis 37:25: And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and behold, a company of Ishamelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt."
Genesis 43:11: "And their father Israel said to them, If it must be so now, do this; take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds:"
Exodus 30:23-25
"Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant calamus, 500 shekels of cassia--all according to the sanctuary shekel--and a hin of olive oil. Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil."
Components in myrrh found to be active against pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms such as staph, E. coli, and Candida.
Myrrh for IBS: "The resulting reduction of intestinal motility and spasmolytic effects provide a rationale for the symptom treatment of intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome."
Anticancer properties of myrrh: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24137478
Traditionally used for burns: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23888738
Myrrh is antiparasitic:
Effective for common parasitic STD Trichomoniasis vaginalis: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22737515
A medication was made using myrrh oil to treat the common parasite fascioliasis:
(Note from study that it also reduced liver enzymes.)
This is just a small sample of the research I found easily and quickly on myrrh essential oil. But my preferred use for myrrh is for any skin issues--cuts, rashes, cracks/dry skin, etc. It is the ONLY essential oil I will use on OPEN wounds. It was the treatment of choice in many traditional societies for skin issues.
Myrrh is a common ingredient in oral care products for the benefits it provides related to things like canker sores, gum and tooth infections, etc.
And one more thing--myrrh can be helpful for hormone and thyroid issues: "Myrrh contains sesquiterpenes which stimulate the limbic system of the brain (the center of memory and emotions) and the hypothalamus, pineal, and pituitary glands. The hypothalamus is the master gland of the human body, producing many vital hormones, including thyroid and growth hormone." (Essential Oils Desk Reference, Sixth Edition)
Depression, Anxiety
Lavender essential oil:
"Anxiolytic effect of lavender was superior to placebo in 221 patients suffering from anxiety disorder. In addition, lavender improved associated symptoms such as restlessness, disturbed sleep, and somatic complaints and had a beneficial influence on general well-being and quality of life [51, 52]. In line with this study, the efficacy of a 6-week-intake of oral lavender oil preparation (Silexan, 80 mg/day), compared to lorazepam, was investigated in adults with generalized anxiety disorder. This study indicates that lavender effectively ameliorates generalized anxiety comparable to 0.5 mg/daily lorazepam [53]"
An investigation on the effect of lavender aromatherapy (diluted to 2% concentration) on anxiety and depression in the high risk postpartum woman showed a significant improvement of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale after four consecutive weeks of administration of lavender [57].
Ambient odors of orange and lavender reduce dental anxiety:
"Statistical analyses revealed that compared to control condition both ambient odors of orange and lavender reduced anxiety and improved mood in patients waiting for dental treatment. These findings support the previous opinion that odors are capable of altering emotional states and may indicate that the use of odors is helpful in reducing anxiety in dental patients."
Essential oil blend of bergamot and lavender calms and relaxes participants, indicating potential benefits for treating anxiety and depression:
And try diffusing frankincense!
"Burning frankincense (resin from the Boswellia plant) activates poorly understood ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression. This suggests that an entirely new class of depression and anxiety drugs might be right under our noses."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 May 2008.www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/05/080520110415.htm
Please also see HFFG's full post on Depression/Anxiety for more info on other ways to treat it here: http://healthyfamiliesforgod.com/2012/02/natural-help-for-depression-a-physical-spiritual-illness/
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Study demonstrates safety of copaiba during pregnancy and establishes safe daily dosage
Peppermint EO same benefit as acetaminophen for headaches
Oregano EO for E. coli and shiga toxin
List of herbs/EO’s for lots of things
Copaiba before surgery reduces chances of sepsis
Copaiba for fungus/candida
(With TTO for candida)
Copaiba reverses liver damage from acetaminophen
Copaiba reduces endometrial growth
Great article with tons of researched links for tea tree oil
Tea tree oil for psoriasis
Black pepper oil increases adrenaline
Lavender protects against alloxan-induced diabetes
Black Pepper EO aroma for smoking cessation
PCOS and spikenard
Spike lavender, balsam fir, Spanish marjoram, and peppermint in 3-year old with RSV reduced her need for oxygen in canula within 12 hours
Cypress for bedwetting
Prevention of UV-induced radiation/wrinkles with patchouli
On not releasing GC/MS results: some companies' competitive edge IS unique and original distillation methods they have developed that allow them to get a more complete chemical profile. Releasing those GCMS reports would tip competitors off as to what exact chemical profile they were producing and a)try to copy their distillation methods or b)create synthetic blends with identical profiles that would fool most labs.
Furthermore, the companies who do post GC/MS results with their product info often only post the results from one batch, not each batch. And when they do, none of their consumers would be able to correctly decipher them anyways as it takes a trained analyst to be able to know what they are looking at.
Clove and other EO’s for chiggers
Peppermint for pregnancy itching
Chamomile and clary sage for childbirth-reduces pain and anxiety
Manuka oil for MRSP bacteria dog skin & ear infections
Manuka for anti-aging with UV exposure
CORRECTION: There has been some recent experiments conducted and it was determined that adding essential oils to Epsom salts is not the most effective way to disperse essential oils into bath water. The thing that proved to be the most effective was liquid castile soap. So to ensure that essential oils are evenly dispersed throughout the bath water and do not sit on top of the water, add your selected essential oils to some liquid castile soap and then add to bath water. And feel free to still throw in some Epsom salts too as they are nonetheless very beneficial. :)
An unhealthy response to sun exposure is a result of oxidative damage. Keeping skin healthy with sun exposure is all about having a high intake of antioxidants. NingXia Red is a high-antioxidant drink that derives its ability to protect the body from oxidative damage from wolfberries, fruits, and essential oils all high in antioxidants. Wolfberries are the best known source of zeaxanthin, a xanthophyll, an oxygenated carotenoid.
Cistus for borrelia bacteria (lyme)
Tea tree & iodine for molloscum
Essential oils synergistically multiply probiotic benefits!
Copaiba taken orally protects stomach lining from NSAID’s damage and helps with gastric ulcers.
Lemon myrtle for molloscum: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15183850
Oregano multiplies effects of antibiotics on pathogens thereby reducing necessary dosage of antibiotics.
Melissa (lemon balm) essential oil antioxidant, antitumoral, etc.
Essential oil allergy info
EO’s for Intestinal Dysbiosis
Summary link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20030464
Full study pdf: http://www.altmedrev.com/publications/14/4/380.pdf
Essential oils’ effect on room bacteria
Basil EO orally for fibromyalgia
Aromatherapy improves workplace performance
Ginger EO for heartworm in dogs
Neroli for seizures
Oregano and colloidal silver
Essential oils for candida work better than conventional antifungals
Effect of thyme on gut bacteria (shows increase in good bacteria) and improves intestinal integrity
Wintergreen during pregnancy
Neroli lowers stress, improves menopausal symptoms, and increases sexual desire.
Lavender and rosemary for reducing cortisol
Clary sage for cortisol reduction and depression
Tea tree for skin inflammation
Essential oils for diabetes
Essential oils for gut dysbiosis
Cedarwood inhalation for pain
Essential oils’ effect on gut bacteria
EO’s for bovine mastitis
Lemon myrtle for molloscum
Bergamot for chronic pain
Repellent activity of essential oils
Essential oils for alzheimer’s
Lavender for stress, anxiety postpartum
Gastroprotective effects of copaiba
Lavender allergic pathway