There are so many things we can do to find relief naturally! Good thing too, because conventional pain relievers are detrimental to liver, kidney, and gut health.
Acetaminophen can damage the liver. The safe upper limit of normal is 3,250 milligrams (mg) a day — about 10 regular-strength acetaminophen tablets, but that might be too much for some people. There are reports of people developing liver problems after taking small to moderate amounts of acetaminophen for long periods of time.
Tylenol is linked to thousands of cases of kidney failure in the U.S. every year.
NSAIDs, particularly ibuprofen and aspirin, are rough on your stomach, and they're just as rough on the lining of your gut. They create ulcerations and inflammation in the gut lining, damage that causes something known as a "leaky gut." Leaky gut is the cause of things like food sensitivities, seasonal/environmental, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and so many other health issues.
Thankfully, there are effective ways to soothe pain naturally! Some ways work better than others depending on the cause or the source of pain, so let's look at the many options!
- Copaiba--Copaiba activates cannabanoid receptors in the brain that trigger a powerful response to inflammation. While copaiba is very beneficial when used topically, Copaiba Vitality taken internally is especially effective! A couple drops under the tongue can help achieve a quick response. Up to 20 drops internally per day has been proven in research to be safe even during pregnancy. Copaiba can be used safely on baby's gums for teething pain as well.
- Peppermint--A study showed that peppermint oil is extremely effective in blocking calcium channels and substance P, important factors in the transmission of pain signals. Peppermint is especially effective used topically on areas like the neck and other areas of muscle soreness.
- More good pain singles include marjoram, lemongrass, and wintergreen. Blends include PanAway, Deep Relief roll-on, Cool Azul, M-Grain, Aroma Siez, and Relieve It.
- AgilEase capsules contain copaiba as well as other essential oils and herbs to help with a healthy response to inflammation and pain such as wintergreen, turmeric, black spruce, frankincense, clove, and black pepper.
- Sulfurzyme: Sulfurzyme contains MSM, a source of organic dietary sulfur (not to be confused with sulfa medications which is completely different). MSM has been proven to be extremely effective for killing pain, especially tissue and joint pain.
- Mineral Essence: The majority of pain related to tight muscles, including migraines, are usually caused by a deficiency of magnesium. Mineral Essence is a natural, ionic mineral liquid with a high amount of very bioavailable magnesium. Magnesium supplementation should always be increased significantly during times of muscular pain and should be continued at maintenance doses daily afterwards.