The body is continually exposed to a multitude of toxins. Every day, waste materials are generated by the body’s cells as by-products of normal physiological processes such as energy production and tissue repair. These wastes must be quickly removed from the body to prevent damage to cellular structures and/or interference with essential metabolic processes.
Unfortunately, most people's bodies today are overloaded with toxins as a result of not having adequate functions to eliminate these toxins.
On top of that, we are burdened with chemical toxins in the environment. Over the last century, the rise of industry and advancements in technology have led to the creation of thousands of chemical compounds that now permeate the environment. Many of these xenobiotics have been associated with acute and chronic health problems such as:
- Asthma
- Autoimmune dysfunction
- Cancer
- Fibromyalgia
- Neurobehavioral disorders, and
- Parkinson’s disease.
The body manages chemical toxins with an array of detoxification processes carried out by multiple organs and systems including the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, and lymphatic and circulatory systems.
While each of these areas has an important role to play, the gastrointestinal tract and liver are perhaps the most vital components of the body’s detoxification efforts. Most toxins gain entry into the body through the diet.
The gastrointestinal tract is thus a repository for a host of toxic compounds including:
- Pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals used in agriculture;
- Heavy metals and industrial chemicals that contaminate soils and municipal water sources;
- Aflatoxins produced by overgrowth of fungal organisms;
- Methylmercury in vaccines;
- Synthetic flavorings, colorings, and preservatives added to processed foods;
- Chemicals in plastics that leach into packaged foods;
- Toxic compounds generated by unhealthy cooking methods such as frying or grilling over an open flame.
Under ideal conditions,most toxins that enter the intestinal tract are eliminated in the feces. Suboptimal functioning of the gastrointestinal system, however, may slow intestinal transit to the point where toxins have time to damage intestinal cells or be absorbed back into circulation.
This is really important to understand because the majority of Americans suffer from slow transit time (the time it takes for food to go through the digestive process and be eliminated), as well as toxic overload and poor-functioning liver.
Nutritional supplementation that supports the sequestration of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and their elimination in the feces can play an important role in reducing the body’s overall toxic burden.
The liver is an absolutely essential component of the body’s detoxification efforts. Toxins that gain entry into the systemic circulation are filtered and processed by the liver in preparation for elimination through either the feces or urine.
The liver processes toxins with an array of enzyme systems capable of biotransforming harmful chemicals into less reactive, more water-soluble compounds that are easier to excrete.
The two primary metabolic pathways utilized by the liver for detoxification are referred to as Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Phase 1 pathways typically involve oxidative or reductive reactions that modify functional groups on toxins in order to render them more hydrophilic and capable of further transformation in Phase 2 pathways. Phase 1 reactions can also lead to chemical intermediates, including free radicals, that are more toxic than the parent compound and must be detoxified by Phase 2 reactions. The cytochromes P450 are perhaps the best known and most widely studied enzymes that participate in Phase 1 reactions.
In layman's terms, Phase 1 makes a toxic chemical into a less harmful chemical. During this process, free radicals are produced which, if excessive, can damage the liver cells. Antioxidants (such as vitamin C and E and natural carotenoids) reduce the damage caused by these free radicals. If antioxidants are lacking and toxin exposure is high, toxic chemicals become far more dangerous.
Phase 2detoxification primarily involves conjugation reactions in which side chains are enzymatically added to toxins to enhance their excretability. Examples of conjugation include sulfation, methylation, glutathionation, and glucuronidation.
Without this process, the body become extremely toxic and overloaded with chemicals, causing many health conditions, including cancer.
Once toxins have been biotransformed by Phase 1 and Phase 2 reactions, they are either transported to the kidneys for excretion in the urine or incorporated into bile for elimination in the feces.
A select group of nutritional compounds are known to enhance the liver’s detoxification capacity by favorably modulating Phase 1 and Phase 2 pathways. Chlorella is one of them!
Chlorella vulgaris is a unicellular, freshwater algal organism widely consumed for its nutritional and health benefits. Chlorella contains high concentrations of protein, fiber, an array of vitamins and minerals, and the green pigment chlorophyll.
Research indicates the chlorophyll component of Chlorella contributes significantly to its detoxifying effects. Numerous health benefits have been attributed to ingestion of chlorophyll including antigenotoxic, antimutagenic, and chemopreventive effects.
Studies suggest the protective benefits of chlorophyll derive from its capacity to form strong molecular complexes with toxic compounds in the intestinal tract and prevent their absorption. While protective properties have also been ascribed to chlorophyll’s antioxidant activity, spectrographic data demonstrating molecular interactions between chlorophyll and toxins support the notion that chlorophyll acts primarily as an interceptor molecule in the diet, “trapping” chemical toxins in the intestinal tract and reducing their bioavailability.
Chlorella has been found to be effective at reducing/preventing harmful effects from things like:
- Salmonella
- Dioxin (a bleach by-product): Chlorella has the capacity to increase elimination of dioxins already absorbed into the body by binding onto the toxins as they reenter the intestinal lumen via bile or exfoliation of intestinal cells.
- Heavy Metals
- Candida
Evidence suggests specific toxins like heavy metals can be bound and trapped by elements within Chlorella cell walls.
Absorption of heavy metals by microbes like Chlorella is so effective that the process is now being developed as an inexpensive, environmentally friendly means for remediation of industrial wastewater. While use of algae for heavy metal detoxification has yet to be studied in biological systems, a number of Chlorella species including C. vulgaris have been found to effectively absorb heavy metal contaminants such as cadmium and lead from aqueous media.
The following link shows studies on the benefits of chlorella for:
- Reducing dioxins in breast milk,
- IBS,
- fibromyalgia,
- removal of heavy metals, etc.
Additionally, chlorella is an essential part of any amalgam filling removal protocol!
Additional research has proven that chlorella taken during pregnancy can reduce the amount of toxins that reach the unborn baby!
( Nakano, S; et al "Maternal-fetal distribution and transfer of dioxins in pregnant women in Japan, and attempts to reduce maternal transfer with Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) supplements." Chemosphere: June 2005)
Chlorella Nutrient Content and Digestibility
Chlorella is a broad genus containing approximately 20-30 species. The two species most commonly used as nutritional supplements are C. vulgaris and C. pyrenoidosa. Studies show these species are roughly equivalent nutritionally. C. pyrenoidosa contains slightly higher levels of certain nutrients like vitamins B1, B6, and inositol while C. vulgaris contains slightly higher levels of vitamins B3, C, and protein. Physiological differences between species, however, may substantially affect the bioavailability of these nutrients. Most Chlorella organisms, including C. pyrenoidosa, have thick cell walls that cannot be adequately broken down in the digestive tract.
This has led some manufacturers to adopt methods of artificially lysing, or “cracking”, the cell walls in an effort to improve the nutritional profile of their Chlorella products. One manufacturer of a popular brand uses mechanical pulverization to break the cell walls in its Chlorella product, but this process has not been demonstrated to improve the digestibility of Chlorella.
Concerns have also been raised as to whether destruction of the cell walls can adversely impact some of Chlorella’s more sensitive nutrients such as vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. One way to improve digestibility and avoid nutrient degradation is to utilize a thin-cell wall type of Chlorella. The cell walls of different Chlorella species vary widely, ranging from approximately 20 nanometers to over 200 nanometers in thickness. Studies show thin-cell wall Chlorella can be utilized for its nutritional benefits without the need for chemical or mechanical rupturing of cell walls.
In one in vitro study, pepsin digestibility of thin-walled Chlorella vulgaris protein was measured at over 80%, suggesting high nutrient bioavailability from this Chlorella species despite having intact cell walls. In a follow-up experiment, two groups of animals were fed diets containing either thin-walled Chlorella whose cells had been ruptured using high-pressure homogenization or thin-walled Chlorella whose cells were intact. The digestibility of the two diets were compared and found to be roughly equivalent at over 80%.
These experiments suggest thin-cell wall Chlorella may be the preferable form of Chlorella to use when maximum nutrient bioavailability and integrity are desired.
Enzyme Blend
Enzymes are bioactive proteins that catalyze nearly all chemical reactions in the body including digestion of dietary macronutrients. Supplemental digestive enzymes may facilitate gastrointestinal detoxification in a number of ways.
Evidence suggests proteolytic enzymes help break down the antigenic components of foods, rendering these foods less allergenic.
In one study, proteolytic predigestion of meat proteins reduced their allergenicity in children with sensitivities to these proteins. Similarly, some doctors report that carbohydrase enzymes like cellulase, hemicellulase, and xylanase, which break down the fibrous components of plant cells, may help expose allergenic proteins and make them more vulnerable to degradation by endogenous or supplemental proteolytic enzymes.
While clinical studies supporting these observations are currently lacking, preliminary evidence suggests that enzymatic breakdown of allergens in the diet can help reduce the antigenic burden in the gastrointestinal tract.
Supplemental digestive enzymes may also be of use in reducing levels of Candida organisms in the intestinal tract. While the pathogenicity of intestinal Candida remains controversial, many clinicians remain convinced this yeast causes digestive and systemic symptoms and see benefit with anti-Candida regimens.
In vitro research shows the enzyme beta-glucanase can effectively reduce the viability of Candida organisms in their own protective biofilms.
Evidence suggests enzyme preparations containing beta-glucanase and protease may be an effective means of reducing intestinal toxicity attributable to the presence of Candida.
Broccoli Extract
Broccoli contains chemical compounds that enhance detoxification primarily by improving liver function. Like other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli is rich in phytochemicals called glucosinolates. In the body, glucosinolates are converted into compounds known as isothiocyanates that exert protective effects by modulating detoxification pathways in the liver. Specifically, isothiocyanates and their metabolites inhibit activation of toxins by Phase 1 enzymes and strongly induce enzymes associated with Phase 2 detoxification processes.
One of the major isothiocyanates in broccoli, sulforaphane, has been called the most potent natural inducer of Phase 2 detoxifying enzymes ever identified.
In mice, sulforaphane induces the Phase 2 enzyme mGSTA3, a type of glutathione S-transferase that detoxifies aflatoxin by conjugating it to glutathione. The protective potential of isothiocyanates is augmented by their ability to neutralize free radicals, modulate inflammatory pathways, and induce apoptosis.
Some isothiocyanates are known to form metabolites like indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and diindolylmethane (DIM) that have potent cell-protective properties in their own right. These indole compounds appear to work primarily through antiproliferative and apoptotic mechanisms. I3C has also been shown to upregulate specific cytochrome P450 enzymes involved with the deactivation of carcinogens.
Human epidemiological studies from around the world have found an association between cruciferous vegetable consumption and chemoprevention.
An intervention trial carried out in China examined the effects of a glucosinolate-rich broccoli sprout extract in a population with a high degree of exposure to aflatoxin-contaminated foods. Aflatoxin exposure is thought to contribute to the prevalence of hepatocellular carcinoma in this region.
The gastrointestinal tract and liver are the most vital organs involved with detoxification processes in the body. Suboptimal functioning of either organ can compromise detoxification and increase the presence and activity of chemical toxins in the body. A number of nutritional compounds have been shown to support gastrointestinal sequestration and elimination of harmful chemicals as well as liver detoxification pathways.
Chlorella binds toxins in the intestinal tract preventing their absorption and facilitating their elimination in the feces.
Digestive enzymes can help break down potentially irritating or allergenic dietary substances and may reduce Candida viability in the intestinal tract.
Broccoli extract provides a source of isothiocyanates that enhance detoxification by favorably modulating Phase 1 and Phase 2 pathways in the liver.
HFFG's Chlorella Detox is a proprietary blend of whole food concentrates and digestive enzymes that support the neutralization and elimination of toxins from the body. Chlorella Detox contains a special thin-cell wall Chlorella, not cracked-cell, utilized to protect its active components. A proprietary blend of enzymes in Chlorella Detox breaks down the Chlorella within the gastrointestinal tract and releases its active compounds.
This high-potency enzyme blend also breaks down dietary allergens and irritants and can help reduce Candida activity in the intestinal tract by lysing yeast cell walls.
Chlorella Detox also contains the unique broccoli extract described above to induce Phase 2 detoxification processes in the liver.
Together, Chlorella and broccoli extract reduce the overall toxic burden on the body by interfering with absorption of toxins from the intestinal tract and enhancing liver detoxification processes. This dual detoxifying effect is unique to Chlorella Detox. Chlorella Detox can be used as an adjunct to short-term detoxification programs or for daily detoxification support.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Capsule
Amount Per Capsule
% Daily Value
Chlorella (
Chlorella vulgaris
) thin-cell wall
500 mg
Broccoli (
Brassica oleracea italica
) sprout, dried extract, min. 6% glucosinolates and 0.3% sulforaphane
60 mg
Enzyme Blend Supplying: Beta-Glucanase, Cellulase, Protease, Hemicellulase, Phytase, and Xylanase
155 mg
* Daily value not established
Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsule (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, water), L-leucine, cellulose, and silicon dioxide.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Drug Interactions
Some forms of proteolytic enzymes have been shown to reduce platelet aggregation and may thus theoretically augment the effects of anticoagulant medications such as Coumadin. Chlorella may stimulate immune function in some persons and therefore could potentially reduce the efficacy of immunosuppresant medications.
If you have any questions about the administration or use of this product, please contact me.