January 2023


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Meal Plan, Grocery List, & Recipes

Some of the favorites from past months as well as some really amazing new meals/recipes!!

EMF Protection

by Sara Jo Poff

Monthly Health Unit

Electromagnetic fields are all around us, and have been shown to cause or contribute to a large number of health issues, including damaging DNA, lowering immune function, disturbing hormone balance, lowering sperm and egg quality, causing headaches and brain fog, and contributing to cancer.

Some of the ways we are exposed to electromagnsetic fields include microwaves, cell phones, bluetooth devices, smart meters, TV's, MRI's, Wi-Fi, power lines and cell towers, noise machines, and airplanes.

While we can't avoid many of these, we can do things to support our own health so that our body is not impacted so heavily by the effects of EMF's around us.

Let's look at some simple swaps, tips, and ways shown in research to help support our body during exposure.

Monthly Prayer Prompts

Prayer Prompting Guide

Make more time in prayer (and people) a bigger part of your daily routine with this month’s prayer prompting guide! Print it off and keep it by/in your Bible to help keep you on track!

Monthly Zoom Chat

Watch your emails for the Zoom info!

Monthly Book Recommendation

Putting It All Together: The New Orthomolecular Nutrition by Dr. Abram Hoffer and Morton Walker

This book was a part of the required curriculum in my naturopathy doctor program and has been a book I continue to refer to often. It delves into the power of high-dose Vitamin therapy for treating and reversing a vast array of health issues.
