CardioMetabolic Profile
CardioMetabolic Profile
*PLEASE NOTE: Residents in California, Maryland, and New York must receive a signature from a licensed care provider in their state before ordering tests. Patients will need a laboratory order from a healthcare provider requesting the tests that they purchased – this is usually a script that looks similar to a prescription fill. It should contain the provider’s name, signature, contact information, and the ZRT tests ordered. This will be returned with the blood/urine/saliva sample(s).
Assesses risks associated with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Tests in this profile include: Insulin, High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, Total Cholesterol, HDL and LDL Cholesterol, Hemoglobin A1c, and Triglycerides. (Blood Spot Test)
Shipping price includes cost of shipping of the test kit to customer and shipping test sample(s) back to the lab.