Cleansing Trio (Intestinal/Bowel Cleanse)

cleansing trio 3.jpg

When the body cannot quickly and effectively eliminate toxins due to a slow or clogged colon, the toxins get reabsorbed back into the body. Over time, the body becomes so toxic that disease is inevitable. And did you know that your immune system’s first line of defense is to eliminate things via bowels?!

Before any other type of cleanse is done, it is imperative to first start with cleansing the intestines. This cleanse actually used to be the first thing required to join Young Living!

This cleanse requires just three products. When in stock, they can be purchased together as the Cleansing Trio package (Comfortone, ICP, and Essentialzyme). This is not simply a bowel flush; these products work in many ways besides just moving waste out of the colon. The products help break down toxins, parasites, fungus, etc., support the liver, scrub the intestines, and much more.

Liver Cleanse


**NOTE: The Cleansing Trio is highly recommended first before doing the liver cleanse.

Your liver wears many ‘hats’ and is responsible for a large part in your overall health. It has over 400 functions in the body, from digesting fats with its pal the gallbladder, storing essential vitamins and minerals like iron, processing nutrients that have been absorbed in the intestines and breaking down drugs and alcohols. With only naming a few functions I’m sure you can already see the importance of the liver’s role in your health.

Contrary to popular thought, it's not just people who drink alcohol who need to help out their liver. If you've ever taken a pain reliever, consumed gluten or sugar, or been exposed to toxins, your liver is likely needing a good cleanse.

Did you know that low Vitamin D and low sex hormones are a symptom of an overloaded liver? Here are some other symptoms that your liver needs a cleanse:

-Chronic Fatigue
-Negative Emotions, especially anger
-Brain Fog/Lethargy/Feeling Drained
-Dull Headaches Improved with Rest
-Headaches/Migraines Behind Eyes
-Chronic Joint or Muscle Pain
-Excessive Perspiration
-Trouble Digesting Fats
-Gall Bladder Removed
-Acne or Skin Conditions (esp rashes)
-Gas, Bloating, Abdominal Pain, Constipation, Diarrhea
-Hormonal Imbalances
-Anxiety and Depression
-Chemical Sensitivities
-Chronic Stinky Breath
-Unexplained Weight Gain

For the Cleanse:

Protocol Items Needed:

This is an adaption of the liver cleanse from pages 331-332 of the 7th Ed Essential Oils Desk Reference. The full protocol from that book can be done, but this is an adapted protocol based on experience from past cleanses. The adaptions help to focus on the most important items for the cleanse for minimizing impact on our wallet. The Master Cleanse drink is excluded in this protocol but can be added in for those who desire to do so.


-JuvaPower (Substitute ComforTone or ICP if you already have that from the parasite cleanse



-JuvaCleanse (and empty capsules)

-JuvaTone Tablets

-NingXia Red


-Vital Life Juice Ingredients: Beets, carrots, celery, ginger (organic please)

(A juicer is needed; many thrift stores have them for around $10 or so. )

-Healthy diet items that fit your needs. No particular dietary plan is needed but it should focus on whole foods. It is not recommended to do anything too different from your normal diet as we don't want to increase potential detox symptoms.

Breastfeeding mom's adaptions:

-Skip JuvaTone and do other supplements only; not juicing.

Children's adaptions:

-Replace Detoxzyme & Essentialzymes-4 with Mightyzymes

-Use JuvaFlex in place of JuvaCleanse

-Skip JuvaTone tablets

-Do juices

Budget adaptions:

These adaptions can be used for a tighter budget. It won't be as powerful as a cleanse but it'll still greatly benefit your health!

--Pick one of the digestive enzymes

--Use JuvaFlex instead of JuvaCleanse (will not target heavy metals as effectively though)

--NingXia Red is highly encouraged


(Adjust as needed/desired; this can be customized a lot. See the earlier post with the adaptions for breastfeeding mamas and for children.)

Upon awakening: Drink 8 oz water with 3-5 drops citrus oil of choice, take 2 JuvaTone tablets

Breakfast: Eat healthy breakfast, drink vital life juice, take 1 tbsp of JuvaPower in liquid of choice (or ComforTone/ICP capsules)

Lunch: Eat healthy lunch, drink vital life juice, take 1 tbsp of JuvaPower in liquid of choice

Dinner: Healthy dinner, 2 Essentialzymes-4 capsules (one white/one yellow)

Bedtime: 2 Detoxzyme, 10 drops of JuvaCleanse in a capsule

Drink 2-4 ounces of NingXia Red anytime during the day.

Drink TONS of good water (non-chlorinated, non-fluoridated) in between meals.

Get lots of fresh vegetables to keep bowels moving. Take ComforTone/ICP as needed to keep bowels moving as well. This is imperative as detox is halted and can be difficult if bowels are not moving properly.

Take your regular daily supplements at the normal times.


Rough estimates for 1 day's worth of Vital Juice will vary slightly based on what type juicer you have (how much juice it renders).

4 oz celery = 1/2 head

12 oz beet juice = 2 large red beets

4 oz carrot juice = 2.5 carrots

2 green apples (adds 8 oz)

2 large knobs of ginger

Divide into 4 portions. Drink at set times of day according to the liver cleanse schedule!

(Keep in mind that centrifuge juicers (which are what most of us are using) causes the juice to break down very quickly so it is preferable to make it fresh before drinking, but we know that's not feasible for most of us.)